Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rabbit Heart.

I haven't been on here in a while, I got incredibly busy with school, homework, etc. And for that, I'm terribly sorry! But, now that I have more free time and I'm getting out and living, I plan on being here more often.

To back up, I feel as if I'm living again. For a while, I've been in an incredible slump, but I woke up, I guess? And now I feel alive. I'm more in tune with nature, everything. And that's a beautiful thing.

Anyways, this weekend I spent time with a good friend of mine and we did a photoshoot! There's a battlefield from the Civil War in her backyard, so we decided to tramp about 3 miles out and just take pictures as we went. The previous pictures are of her, which I absolutely adore. However, these are the outfit that I wore that day!

Scarf: H&M

Anyways, what sounds good to me right now is some Doctor Who, Nutella dipped pretzels, and a good cat nap. I had an incredibly long weekend.

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